How to wrap yourself around all the HR there is to do? Here are some self-help resources.
Interviews with founder Scott Trossen
Questions Owner and Leaders Ask (click video on the right)
How to Help When Health or a Personal Issue Hurts Work Performance
Imagine three circles that overlap in the middle. Label each of them “Hire In” “Hold On” “Help Out” ~ these represent most of what HR will focus on in your organization.
The book, Human Resources Kit for Dummies, does a solid job of orienting your to many of the things that comprise HR.
Tips for Hiring Your First Employee
Are you looking to read more?
The book Who provides a model for getting better at hiring.
If you are want to go deeper into this topic, Hire with Your Head is a way to do that. Author Lou Adler offers some free content as well.
What about recruiting technology? Consider job posting sites like Indeed and LinkedIn; use applicant tracking software; or ask ChatGPT, Gemini or Bing Copilot to help write a posting, sort resumes, and more.
Michigan HR can assist with any aspect of advising you, training hiring managers to interview better, handle parts of process, and more.
This form also contains links to some required hiring documents like the I-9 Employment Eligibility form and, the federal and state W-4 withholding certificates (both are required not just one).
Note: In dozens of site audits, thus far, only one company was correctly completing their I-9s in every way. Does the government ever audit I9s? Rarely for small organizations but, as I type this, that was the call I received yesterday: it was from a small business not far from our office and one I have been to many times. They were just audited and have to put corrective process measures in place immediately. It does happen.
Questions owners and leaders ask about HR